- All prices quoted are FOB Camarillo, California. Customer is responsible for all crating charges, shipping charges and insurance once the item leaves our lab.
- First payment of requested amount constitutes customer's agreement to pay in full (or in increments, if so agreed by prior arrangement). Customer's first payment is deemed to be
Nitro-Turbodyne's authorization to start work.
- Engineering Analyses: All engineering analyses must be paid in advance (except where incremental payments are made by prior arrangement before the start of work). No delivery of analyses will
be made until account charges have been paid in full. Engineering labor is non-refundable.
- Software: All software engineering labor must be paid in advance per written estimate. No delivery of software will be made until account
charges have been paid in full. Software engineering and delivered software products are non-refundable.
- Hardware: All hardware must be paid in advance, prior to start of work. Except where covered by manufacturer's warranty, all hardware procured for customer's project is non-refundable.
- If prior arrangements have been made for progress payments, a 25% deposit against all estimated charges (based on written estimate) must be paid prior to start of work. First payment
constitutes customer's agreement with the terms and authorization to start work. No engineering analyses, reports, designs, Bills of Material, blueprints, wiring diagrams, mechanical drawings,
lofting, software or hardware will be delivered to the customer until all charges are paid in full.
- Any account that is more than 60 days delinquent will be considered abandoned. Abondoned work becomes the property of Nitro-Turbodyne, Inc. and may be disposed of to recoup any unpaid charges
by the customer.
- These terms take precidence in lieu of any other terms that are not specifically detailed in writing.